Books In Print® is the leading bibliographic database for publishers, retailers and libraries around the world. From the enriched metadata that is supplied by publishers, Books In Print provides a valuable resource for retailers in the process of making smart purchasing decisions.

Books In Print helps you search the marketplace, find the right title, and explore all known format options.




Search everything in the market for books, ebooks, audio books, and videos, through a single Google-like search box, or create targeted result sets with Advanced Search.



Books In Print combines the most trusted and authoritative source for bibliographic information with powerful search, discovery and collection development tools to streamline the book discovery and acquisition process.



Find favorite authors, genres, and purchase points. Libraries worldwide consult Books In Print to find titles, create lists and decide which vendor, ebook platform, or online retailer to source the title from.

One-Stop Shop

One-Stop Shop

Titles within Books In Print offer a vast amount of information: professional reviews, tables of contents, full-text previews, cover images, author biographies, awards information, summaries and annotations, and much more.



Syndetics Unbound

Syndetics Unbound

Recommendations and enriched content supplied by ProQuest and LibraryThing.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search

Search through a wide variety of book metadata options.



Browse will assist you in finding books based on authors, genres, or topics that interest you. Every query will return suggested titles, eliminating dead-end searches.

List Functionality

List Functionality

Create public or private lists to help with workflow and purchasing.


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Bowker Book Data

Bowker Book Data

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The Standard Address Number (SAN) is a unique seven-digit identifier used to signify a specific address of an organization in (or served by) the publishing industry.



Bookwire helps people discover, evaluate, order, and experience books. Powered by Books in Print® database, Bookwire makes it easy to search and discover over 20 million book titles, including print, ebooks, audio books and more.