Bookwire™ helps people discover, evaluate, order, and experience books. Powered by Books in Print® database, Bookwire makes it easy to search and discover over 20 million book titles, including print, ebooks, audio books and more.

Bookwire features popular category pages that readers can access to get information about bestsellers and new releases, and find titles that match their interests.

Bookwire Author Pages and the Bookwire Author Index features author biographies and links to all titles available on Bookwire and Bowker’s SEO Title Cards make it easy for readers to share titles with their friends on major social networks, and conveniently links each title to multiple online retailers, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble, where they can purchase the books they discover.


Featured Books of the Month

Featured Books of the Month

Each month, Bookwire highlights selected books as featured titles. Bookwire also presents books in New, Forthcoming, and Recommended categories.

An Added Benefit for  Books In Print Subscribers

An Added Benefit for Books In Print Subscribers

Subscribers to Books In Print® can login to access book records to review right way or add to selected lists to review later.

Rich Book Data

Rich Book Data

Powered by Books in Print® database, Bookwire makes it easy to search and discover over 20 million book titles, including print, ebooks, audio books and more.





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Bookwire makes browsing easy with a handy index featuring over 70 subject categories from Architecture to World History.



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Bowker Book Data

Bowker Book Data

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QRPlus QR Code

The QRPlus QR code extends your book’s visibility by getting readers’ attention and enabling them to interact with your book.



The Standard Address Number (SAN) is a unique seven-digit identifier used to signify a specific address of an organization in (or served by) the publishing industry.